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1. She danced to the Gypsy in her soul. In my teens I met a girl who, unknown to me, had mental health problems. Dealing with the problem in those days was to lock sufferers up! She was a free spirit that I never forgot.

2. Kings fall down.  When I was young, I let someone down very badly and she suffered because of me. I have never forgiven myself.

3. Skerries Boy. This song is about the young life of an Irishman who is a great friend of mine. Leaving school at thirteen he started work on the Trawlers. Unbelievable!

4. I’m never going to Scarborough Fair. I had heard the famous song so many times, that I had to write an anti-song.

5. My English Rose. My late wife was certainly my English Rose.

6. Out on a boat in a storm. This tongue in cheek song is for Carol, off on her first cruise.

7. I will build a bridge. When we are parted from loved ones, for whatever reason, our determination to reach out to them is the driving force of this song.

8. I’ll give it up tomorrow. I was asked to attend an N.H.S. Health Check. Having been told that, based on a comparison with an ideal twenty-year-old man, I was overweight! (Who would have thought that?) Comical look at the situation!

9. Lullaby for you. My good friends, Lindsay & Greg Rowlands became Grandparents, so I wrote this Lullaby for them. (Their version is from Grandpa.)

10. Five and Twenty Sailors. When the Mary Rose went down, Henry the Eighth looked on from Southsea Castle. Of the 500 or so onboard, only 25 survived.

11. When the world was mine. When I was very young, a broken romance had a profound effect on me. I’m sure we’ve all been there at some time or other.

12. Lift me up. I started singing lessons at six years old and they led to a lifetime of showing off on stage. Singing is my lifeblood. I recently lost a close friend in David Capri, a wonderful man and terrific singer. I dedicate this song to David!

Huge thanks to Malcolm and Cynthia Charnley of The Newport Folk Club, for their considerable input to the final mixes on this Album

© 2023 by Paul Kaye Jones 

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